Copula is a multivariate distribution such that marginalising gives .
Used to describe some complex distribution where and are correlated using only the marginal distributions. For example, if we don’t have access to individual-level microdata but we have different slices of a population by deprivation or age.
- we observe the marginals
- we do not observe the correlated joint distribution
- Gaussian copula (assumed below): use correlated MVN space to model correlation between variables
Make use of the probability integral transform to transform (CDF) from correlated joint distribution to uniform marginals to (inverse CDF) correlated (arbitrary) marginal distributions and back.
copula data generation
- MVN space: simulate MVN, CDF →
- uniform marginals, inverse CDF →
- observation space: transformed (correlated) marginal distributions
# simulate correlated variables a, b
x = multivariate_normal(mu, cov).rvs(n_samples, random_state=rng)
a_norm = x[:, 0]
b_norm = x[:, 1]
# transform: correlated space -> uniform space
# apply CDF transform, correlated normal -> uniform marginals
a_unif = norm(loc=0, scale=1).cdf(a_norm)
b_unif = norm(loc=0, scale=1).cdf(b_norm)
# transform: uniform space -> observation space
# apply(arbitrary) inverse CDF to get the marginal distributions we want
a = θ["a_dist"].ppf(a_unif) # e.g. stats.gumbel_l()
b = θ["b_dist"].ppf(b_unif) # e.g. stats.beta(a=10, b=2)
# joint distribution of θ["a_dist"].rvs(10000) and θ["b_dist"].rvs(10000) not correlated
# joint distribution of a and b is correlated
copula inference process
- observation space, CDF →
- uniform marginals, inverse CDF →
- MVN space: simulate MVN
# observation -> uniform space
a1 = θ["a_dist"].cdf(a)
b1 = θ["b_dist"].cdf(b)
# uniform -> MvNormal space
a2 = norm(loc=0, scale=1).ppf(a1)
b2 = norm(loc=0, scale=1).ppf(b1)
# 1. estimate marginals by observing data
coords = {"obs_id": np.arange(len(a))}
with pm.Model(coords=coords) as marginal_model:
a_mu = pm.Normal("a_mu", mu=0, sigma=1)
a_sigma = pm.Exponential("a_sigma", lam=0.5)
pm.Normal("a", mu=a_mu, sigma=a_sigma, observed=a, dims="obs_id")
b_scale = pm.Exponential("b_scale", lam=0.5)
pm.Exponential("b", lam=1 / b_scale, observed=b, dims="obs_id")
# 2. transform marginals to uniform space based on knowledge of data generating process and inferred prarameters from step 1
# 3. transform uniform marginals to MVN space to create `data`
data, a_mu, a_sigma, b_scale = transform_data(marginal_idata)
# 4. infer correlation structure by observing this MVN `data`
coords.update({"param": ["a", "b"], "param_bis": ["a", "b"]})
with pm.Model(coords=coords) as copula_model:
# prior on covariance of the multivariate normal
chol, corr, stds = pm.LKJCholeskyCov(
cov = pm.Deterministic("cov",, dims=("param", "param_bis"))
pm.MvNormal("N", mu=0.0, cov=cov, observed=data, dims=("obs_id", "param"))