- Install homebrew for package management.
- Replace terminal with iTerm2.
- oh-my-zsh to configure zsh.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
- Connect GitHub account with ssh
brew install
to makels
prettier. Eric Ma’s essay has a list of other useful terminal hacks.- Add
alias ls='eza --long --git --header --group'
andalias tree='eza --tree --level=2 --long --header --git'
- Add
to manipulate images into other formatsstats
to see system stats
brew install --cask
- R
- I would recommend only installing
into your base distribution, and then usingrenv
for virtual environments for each individual project. This creates arenv.lock
file which tells users exactly which version of each package you used for the analysis, making the research more reproducible. - Most people use RStudio, but I use VSCode. For use with VSCode and the VScode-R extension, you will also need to install
. For an enhanced experience, install radian, edit the Rterm path and enable bracketed paste (and maybe add an argument tor.rterm.option
) - I created a cookiecuttertemplate for R analysis projects.
- I would recommend only installing
- Quarto for technical documents
- python (uv for python versioning and virtual environments)
- obsidian
- daily notes in
with templatetemplates/daily
. template foldertemplates/
- community plugins
- advanced tables
- auto note mover (exclude
) - clear unused images
- code block enhancer (ignore
) - dataview
- git
- github publisher (with quartz and github pages for site)
- homepage
- linter
- minimal theme
- paste URL into section
- quick latex
- rollover daily todos
- tasks
- templater
- matcha to pull my rss feeds, all situated in a folder
- daily notes in
brew install --cask
- VSCode IDE. I use VSCode for everything because I can have one environment for all programming languages.
- Citation Picker for Zotero, Code Spell Checker, Excel Viewer, GitHub Copilot, Markdown All in One, markdownlint, python, quarto, R, Rainbow CSV, White theme, stan-vscode, vscode-pdf, gitlens, autodocstring, TODOtree, ruff
- Settings. Terminal › External: Osx Exec:
- bitwardenpassword manager.
- Zotero reference management.
- Better BibTex extension
- Arc browser. Trying this one – I used Brave before.
- bitwarden extension
- Zotero Connector extension
- Refined GitHub extension
- Optional: docker, zoom, microsoft office
Themes and colours
Mostly inspired by the Hundred Rabbits artist collective and their site. My website is also inspired by them (see style.css).
- oh-my-zsh.
- VSCode. White theme.
- Obsidian. Minimal theme. Monochrome palette:
["#FBFBFB", "#222222", "#777777", "#727272"]
See also How to Set up an Apple Mac for Software Development.