Deployment requirements

  • software requirements (python package dependencies, python version)
  • OS requirements (operating system, system packages, config)
  • hardware/resource requirements (CPU, RAM, storage, GPU, networking – ports, load balancing etc)
  1. Dockerfile recipe
  2. docker build . package the code
  3. docker run <image> run the container

cheat sheet

docker build .build a docker image
docker build -t <image-name>:<tag> .add image name and tag
docker tag <image-id> <account>.dkr.ecr.<region><folder>/<image-name>:<tag>prepare local image for upload to AWS ECR
docker push <account>.dkr.ecr.<region><folder>/<image-name>:<tag>push tagged image to AWS ECR
docker image lslist docker images
docker pull <image-name>:<tag>run image:tag
docker run <image-name>:<tag>run image:tag
docker run -it <image-name>:<tag> shrun sh on image:tag interactively
docker psshow running containers
docker stop <container-id>stop container
docker contain lslist running containers
docker-compose upspin up docker compose
docker-compose up -dspin up in detached mode
docker-compose downspin down docker compose
docker system pruneremove stopped and dangling images

basic Dockerfile


FROM python:3
COPY requirements.txt . # copy file from local to current
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["univocrn", "cool:app", "--reload"]


Docker compose lets you run multiple containers. For small workloads, Amazon EC2 and docker compose works well.

Docker orchestrators deal with discoverability, auto-scaling, bin packing (distributing across multiple servers given CPU RAM constraints). These range from docker swarm, to kubernetes (industry standard).

Consider modal (blog post) as an alternative to these files for python jobs where we can specify images, cron jobs, GPUs etc where code executes in the cloud but is printed locally.

minimal sagemaker dockerfile

Sagemaker allows you to bring your own container. To use a image_uri along with the source_dir and entry_point arguments in sagemaker.estimator.Estimator, the Dockerfile needs two extra ENV variables:

  • ENV PATH="/opt/program:${PATH}"
    • SageMaker AI runs docker run <image> train
    • PATH identifies the location of the train and serve programs when the container is invoked
    • sagemaker-training install creates a train executable file that uses !# to execute in python, which calls from sagemaker_training.cli.train import main, which calls sagemaker_training.trainer.train()
    • sagemaker-training script uploads the files in source_dir to s3 before downloading the tar from s3 and copying the files to /opt/ml/code
FROM python:3.10-slim-bookworm
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    gcc \
    build-essential \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# uv for faster python dependency resolve
COPY /uv /uvx /bin/
# essential to have sagemaker-training installed
RUN uv pip install --system "xgboost-ray==0.1.19" "numpy==1.26.4" "ray[all]>=2.0.0" "scipy>=1.7.0" "modin[ray]==0.32.0" "sagemaker==2.226.1" "sagemaker-training==4.8.3"
# this environment variable is used by the SageMaker container to determine our user code directory for `source_dir`
ENV PATH="/opt/program:${PATH}"
# avoid buffering python standard output (useful for logging)
# PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE keeps python from writing the .pyc files