Newton’s method for finding roots. Oscar Veliz video in 1D case, generalised and global.
newton’s method in 1-D
- starting point needs to be near root
- not guaranteed to converge
- multiply second term by factor to get damped Newton’s method
from typing import Callable, Tuple
def newton(
func: Callable[float],
df: Callable[float],
x0: float, # initial estimate
max_iterations: int = 100,
tolerance: float = 1e-12
) -> Tuple[float, int]:
curr_x: float = x0
iteration: int = 0
while iteration < max_iterations:
delta_x: float = func(curr_x) / df(curr_x)
# done enough iterations
if abs(delta_x) < tolerance:
# x_ = x - f(x)/f'(x)
curr_x = curr_x - delta_x
iteration += 1
return curr_x, iteration # value, number of iterations
generalised newton’s method
where is now a vector-valued function and is the Jacobian (matrix of all first order partial derivatives, see here for notation). Or avoid the inverse and solve the system of equations
def fwd_solver(f, z_init):
z_prev, z = z_init, f(z_init)
while jnp.linalg.norm(z_prev - z) > 1e-5:
z_prev, z = z, f(z)
return z
def newton_solver(f, z_init):
f_root = lambda z: f(z) - z
g = lambda z: z - jnp.linalg.solve(jax.jacobian(f_root)(z), f_root(z))
return fwd_solver(g, z_init)
Colouring domain by which roots a point converges to gives a Newton fractal.